What gets you up in the morning?
Its a serious question.
And I'm not talking about the annoying or rather terrifying alarm clock; you have to put it clear across the room so you literally have to catapult out of bed - your heart now beating 200 times a minute.
I mean, what gets you up in the morning?
However, not the case.
Not a perfect world.
I contemplated a perfect strangers relevance for getting out of bed this morning. Are they getting up for someone else? Their children perhaps. Husband. Job. To watch the sunrise just because. Are they ecstatic about the new pair of shoes they bought the day before . Is it to remember someone? To keep on going to prove you're tough enough to take what the world is incessantly throwing infront of you? To center your Chi and align the Chakras?
Its all about balance. It doesn't answer my universal question of why "you" got up this morning. But it puts things in perspective. There are these wonderful people, master balancers of the universe. I am so envious! I don't know how they do it. Years of practice and trial and error I would assume. They get up because they have walked the world more than once, in more than one pair of shoes.
And then there is the ever elusive "Me Time". I'm baffled at how hard it is to come by. It gets lost somewhere between the terrifying alarm clock and trying to coast home on "E" for one more day. There are rare occasions however, perfect days. No agendas! " Me Time" achieved. It feels as though there is a little more air to breathe and a lot less responsibility. I get up at the thought, the inkling, I may have a day like this. All the craziness of a job and bills and living is worth those few hours, even days, if I'm lucky.
Quite honestly, there are countless reasons to get up. But the monotony of a week, a month...5 years tends to kill my imagination. I kind of need that thank you.
There has to be balance amidst the insanity.
Is it like a game? Find balance = triple word score! Or passing "GO" collects creativity points. What about getting one line of the Rubix cube all the same color? That's something; that's progress right? What if I got up out of sheer curiosity tomorrow. I think that might change everything.
Balance: "A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces." Like the gymnast within you that likes to mock gravity (and scare your friends) by doing scales on the edge of a rooftop high in the air...I think you are beyond your years with your realization about the importance of "balance." Tough thing about balance is that it requires intent, motivation, energy. I envy those that not only have it, but make it look easy =).
ReplyDeleteFinding the answer to this question made me so happy. Thank you for asking.